Thursday, 11 July 2013

I haven't read the rules

Evidently Mum says I haven't read the rules about being 4 years old???

Zippy and I took Benji for a walk this evening and having not been ridden for over a week, I was what humans call 'fresh'.  Mum says most 4 year olds don't want to be in front when out with friends and prefer to stay behind their trusty friends - why?

I love being in front, you can see everything that's going on and you can show off about how brave you are (well unless its something really scary like massive new hay bales that weren't on the farm field last time we rode!)

So Mum decided I needed a lesson in going behind - humph! I was not impressed. Zippy goes so slow even at trot and canter, I don't understand why she's bigger than me.  So I did try to persuade Mum I was better in front. This involved several tactics - the throwing and shaking around of my head, nope that didn't work; the can I canter now, and now and now, that didn't work either. 

Time to deploy more serious tactics bucking and cow kicking (I can cow kick to an impressive height), that just got me a sore bum!  So in desperation I used the Ahhhhhh Benji has scared me tactic and launched a bucking diversion fit into a bush and low hanging branches - nope I was still made to go behind.

Pony and mule friends all suggestions welcome as to how I can persuade Mum I should be allowed to stay up front and not behind, I'm at a loss!

1 comment:

  1. I think the truth is your human is scared and wants to go at the back she is just pretending it's good for you to go behind. Remember these humans are super sneaky.
    Perhaps a "that's fine I like being at the back I don't want to go in front" might work.
    Humans like to think they are in charge...I know I know it's laughable really, but sometimes it's easier to just humour them and be as sneaky as they are.
