Sunday, 10 August 2014

Competing in thunder & lightening

Well Mum & I have been busy the past couple of weeks working on Mum learning how to ask me to canter on the correct leg. It's very exciting and Mums teacher has been impressed with our progress as in two weeks we are now getting more correct lead transitions than wrong. Mums best if she asks me from walk but that's not allowed in dressage. 

So we have had a big day today going to Brinkworth Show.  It's the first time I've been to a show this year and the first time I've been on my own - up till now my faithful friend Zippy has come along for the ride.  I had a busy schedule starting with a large breed in hand mountain and moorland class. Mum had given me two days off so I was full of spring - evidently a bit too much, rearing and spooking (at nothing) is reportedly not good show pony etiquette.  Well no one told me that so the judge had no choice but to pull me in 4th, nice green rosette (don't tell anyone I was last!)

I didn't get a chance to rest dragged back to the trailer at speed my saddle was chucked on, bridle changed and with no warm up I was presented to the Intro B dressage ring. I was not entirely sure what was expected of me (but I was sure it must include canter - I mean we have been practising it none stop for two weeks) errrr evidently not it was supposed to be just walk and trot but I kept trying to offer it anyway. When we halted Mum was grinning at the judge and laughing - the judge said there was much to like, which she backed up with her scores, I got two 8's and my first ever 9. Which overlooking my five attempts to canter in the test was quite impressive and Mum was surprised we won a 5th rosette for our efforts. 

Still no rest straight from one arena to another for Prelim 7. Mum did well to remember to tests and ride them back to back. Our scores weren't so impressive with a 4 and a 3 for my first canter (wrong leg) no one seems to appreciate how accomplished and balanced I am in counter canter!  We got the right lead for the second canter but not enough marks to get into the rosettes.

Then we headed off for our last class of the day ridden large breed mountain & moorland. I only got to rest for a few minutes before we were called into the ring. There was a beautiful dapple grey dales, yes 2 dales in a class if 6, not bad for down south!  I behaved much better and even managed to stand still while the horses galloped behind us in the line, which last year I just couldn't do - too scary. So Mum was pleased with this. However I'm still quite green at this showing stuff and the judge said I needed a little more schooling (wrong canter lead again I suspect). One horse had left the ring before the final line up so technically I came 5th out of 6. 

Then the heavens opened, thunder and lightening meant Mum had to shut Benji in the car while we hunkered for shelter behind the trailer. I only skipped about a little and sadly the show was forced to be cancelled so we were lucky we competed when we did!  

I have to say a big thank you to my Mums new friend Jo, she came and helped shampoo me yesterday and came along to the show and got soaking wet with us. Both Mum and I are very grateful for her help, so thank you Jo, so sorry it was such a miserable wet day for your introduction into the world of horse shows!!!

I suspect I will have some more canter work practice over the next few weeks, can't imagine why!  Wonder if we will be doing more showing?  Think I prefer dressage, maybe if I practice some more we might go show jumping, think that could be fun. 

1 comment:

  1. Well done my wee friend. You are doing the Dales breed proud. xx
