Thursday, 16 July 2015

How to give your human a heart attack.....

Woody here, now pony friends, you all know I want to run away and become a circus pony.  Well today I added the best trick yet to my repertoire.  You just have to try this....

This morning Cyril and I were laying asleep in the field with Zippy standing guard duty.  Mum arrives, no one stirs - I was actually fast asleep dreaming of being a showjumper.  Mum and Benji start walking across the field with a wheel barrow full of yummy feed bowls.  Cyril decides to get up as it is clearly breakfast arriving.

Zippy and Cyril wander across to the gate to greet the food barrow.  I lay dead still, haven't moved a muscle.  Mum looks slightly concerned but lets Cyril through the gate so he can have his food.  Mum then comes through the gate to say hello to Zippy.  I still haven't moved a muscle.  Perplexed Mum calls my name - now the trick pony friends is to still keep really still, even if your tummy is rumbling and your human is calling you.

Mum starts panicking and calling my name and running towards me, I still don't move, then just as she is out of breath and has reached for phone to call vet, lift you head up and go, oh its you, is breakfast here, yummy.  At which point your human cries with relief and after you get up gives you loads and loads of massive hugs.

Promise you it will works every time - give it a go pony friends, its hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. Genius. A Dales that doesn't answer the call of food. I do a variation on this. There is a public footpath that runs through my field. So I get all sorts of humans walking through. I just lie down flat out and don't move. Cue humans phoning my human who keeps her phone number on the gate telling her I am dead. She knows it's unlikely that I am or that I am ill. She knows I am almost certainly just sun bathing or having a snooze. Still gets her car out and breaks the land speed record to get here just to check. Good game, good game.
