Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Dressage Pony in the Making

Ohhhh I've been out celebrating this week and working hard too, which his why my blog is soooo far behind.  Why have I been celebrating?

Well after my walk of shame at the SWPA championships I've been determined to make up for my misdemeanours.  Last Saturday I got my chance. After a very quick spit and polish Zippy & I were loaded up into our spy can on wheels and taken to Foxham Horse Show. We kept driving around in circles, I can't be sure but I'm fairly certain Mum got lost!

Anyway we arrived and as quick as a flash I was all tacked up and Mum hopped aboard and we headed off to ring 8 which had big rectangles of white boards in.  I was a bit jumpy warming up with lots of horses going by, but I had little chance to concentrate on all of that with Mum asking me to stop then go, then stop again. I was getting dizzy turning right and then turning left, but it did mean I started to relax.

Soon it was my turn, this was it, I had to be good, really good.  So I tried really hard listening to Mum as we went around the ring performing the pony club D walk and trot dressage test.  I had to stop 3 times each time I stood square and didn't move till Mum told me to, which for a pony who gets ants in his pants was very impressive I thought.  No sooner had we started then the test was over, Mum seemed very pleased and Aunty Georgie thought I had done very well.

However I wasn't allowed back to the trailer instead we spent ages and ages wandering around the rings watching ponies dashing over jumps, running around in circles and I was even made to watch the crazy Shetland ponies charging around the ring thinking they were racehorses even I know that's silly!   I watched bemused, rested my leg and generally chilled out carrying Mum around the show-ground, I have no idea why she couldn't walk herself.  Still it seemed to please her that I just stood still and took all the sights in without leaping around like a looney (me! No you must be mistaken I never leap around like a stallion!)

Finally I was allowed to hang out with Zippy at the back of the can on wheels while Mum kept dashing back and forwards to the secretary's tent.  Then Georgie dashed off with her and Zippy, Benji & I were left on our own.  Charming I thought but Zippy said it was the ultimate in compliments that the humans thought we would behave good enough to leave us - though I did keep seeing Georgie's head poke through the hedge!!!!

Then all of a sudden I was being patted to death, hugged and had my photo taken!

I had come first in my section & 2nd overall in a class of 17 ponies and horses. I had redeemed myself yipheeee!

The downside to this is I have been in training all week............I'm getting dizzy with all the circles, where will it end, sending me round the bend I think!

Top secret 007 pony action to report in next blog - not all good news!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a star you are Cyril. First huh? Very very impressive.
    Oh and do you think mum was practising a spy can dressage test if she was going round in circles......just a thought?
