Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Wildlife everywhere

Benji, Eric (Dales pony down the road) and I headed off on a long hack today. Fortunately the road wasn't too icy so we went all the way to the end and up the steep hill which still had a little snow on it. 

Bored with doing the same route we headed off right into a lovely field, it was huge, and meant we could have a good old canter, I let Eric go in front (otherwise he sulks) and we had a good stretch of our legs. We basically follow the top of a cliff, when the trees disappear the view is amazing. 

Mum likes looking at the view as much as I do, I like the rest but I think Mum likes to look and see where else we can ride. 

Benji had a field day, he practically tripped over a deer, so got to have some fun chasing that. Then I tripped over a hare, so he disappeared over the horizon chasing the hare. He came back when Mum called him and while we were going around the big field two more hares shot out, so he chased both of those too. Mum was thrilled he was getting so much exercise. 

We also watched the buzzards and then to top our wildlife viewing (or chasing in Benji's case) we saw a huge fox. Fortunately for Mr Fox it was as we were heading home down the road, so Benji was back on the lead, but he tried to pull me over while he went for the fox. Hope he stays away from our lovely chickens. 

It was a fabulous ride, hope we can go again soon. 

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