Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Double Bubble (Part Two)

Little did I know..... After going on my longest ride ever Saturday morning, no one was more surprised than me when Mum and Michelle turned up in the afternoon to tack Zippy and I up for another ride!

Errrrr, hello Mum, I haven't been ridden for two months, in fact I have been ridden for less than a dozen times in my whole life and I am going out twice in one day!

Well off we set, it's good going out with Zippy, she knows EVERYTHING. Over the railway bridge as usual and then we turned right onto the farm fields. Grass! Zippy was very happy about this and bounced along. Michelle was a little uncertain about Zippy's enthusiasm, so we were instructed to walk.

The farm fields are so much fun, there are lots of ditches. Now Zippy is a bit bigger than me (15.1hh) and vastly more experienced (ok plus she is quiet old 25years young!) so she takes the lazy option of just walking across the ditches, which Mum and I think is quiet boring.

Now me, I've heard stories of trolls and monsters living in ditches, so taking my responsibility to look after Mum and her poorly fetlock very seriously, I decided the most prudent option was to jump all the ditches, mostly from a standstill, this made Mum laugh and I got lots of praise, so I guess this was the right thing to do.

The downside of this excitement is it is very exhausting, we were out on the farm for about 40 minutes, I was shattered, to be honest I was on my knees by the time we reached the railway bridge. Michelle was laughing by the time we got back to the yard, she said she had never seen me so well behaved (the cheek of it).

Mum was very impressed with me and said how proud she was of me to manage two rides in one day, as she tucked me up in my pyjamas and put me to bed with a big bowl of feed. Didn't stay awake for long, I was soon asleep dreaming of jumping over trolls, happy days xxx


  1. You've got us dreaming of spring and long hacks too.

  2. Yet again proving how brave you are and how much you take your responsibilities seriously. Such an old head on young hooves.

  3. Wow twice in one day? Sounds great! Well done for jumping those trolls and keeping your human safe, hope you had sweet dreams after all that exercise!
