Saturday, 5 January 2013

Soooo fat

Wow I think my tummy might explode! After several weeks of just being in the back paddock Zippy and I were given the best late Christmas present ever by Aunty Mary and Uncle Keith.

They arrived yesterday morning to take us down to the big field, yes the big field, where there is no mud and LOTS of grass. I don't think Zippy and I exchanged one word after we dragged Mary & Keith to the field. It was heads down and let serious eating commence, yummy.

We competed to see who could get the fattest, we both did well, I definitely made hippo status and Zippy being a little taller and more experienced managed Elephant size. What a fab day.

After many happy munching hours Mary and Keith arrived to take us back to the muddy hollow that is currently home, so we could both have a mud pack roll to finish the day off nicely.

Lynette and Uncle Tony arrived in the evening to feed and muck us out.  The stable doors have been left open this evening so I guess we won't be seeing Lynette any time early tomorrow morning then!  Time to put the hooves up and lie down for a sleep I think, dreaming of more grass days to come.

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