Sunday, 4 August 2013

Rain stops play

Me in my holiday home
The weather man was right and it has rained most of the day so I have taken some photos of my friends and family at the my holiday home.

The most handsome of all of the family is my Dad, Rambo, just have a look at his mane it actually reaches his knees, no wonder Mum has been cross with me for rubbing my mane - maybe if I stop scratching my mane will get as long as his. Rambo is the oldest member of the stud, he's 25 years old and is Dad to lots and lots of wonderful Dales ponies.

Laddie is the other stallion, he is currently on top of the hill looking over the farm and making sure everyone is OK, he is like a guardian angel and king over all he can see.

Our stable companions are June and Susie, they are the real work horses of the yard, taking Delia and other visitors all over the mountains.  They have been taken turns showing me the different rides around the area.  We are all staying in and having a party tonight because its too wet for everyone to go out - hurrah!
Susie above and June below
They have fly collars I've asked Mum for one as they seem to really work.

My old field companions Dave and Vince are growing up really fast and their new field friend Brian is getting big too.  When we came home yesterday along the Bridleway they were very excited to see me and I got very excited too, which meant much jumping and leaping by everyone.  Below is a picture of the boys, don't they look great.

The stud has a new member 'Mad Mel' but she's not actually mad at all, she's very brave and curious and fearless about adventuring away from her Mum to come and say hello to us, even though we haven't met before.  Mum Rosie and Auntie Lizzie are a bit more camera shy, hopefully they are both eating for two again!

Actually there are even more new members, baby bantams, aren't they cute! Mum chicken was getting broody so she has become a surrogate Mum.

Benji's best friend is Norman, he's a curly coated retriever, but I still think he looks like a black sheep.  Benji always gets him into loads of trouble because they run around playing and Benji has a Teflon coat while Norman comes out of the hay like looking like he has become a hay bale - this is not a popular move with his Mum!

Zippy is staying in Katy's room, she is enjoying it, thank you Katy.  I'm in my old stable kicking the door a lot, which evidently is not a good a move.  Mum got so fed up with the noise so I was dragged out into the dressage arena to let off some excessive energy and practise some jumping.

Hoping we can go out tomorrow for another proper adbenture though.

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