Tuesday 4 December 2012

To teach or to test?

Zippy and I have conferred on our best strategy to train Lewis, our TEMPORARY handler. Zippy thinks we should be constructive and helpful, I'm much more for testing the young chap out and seeing what we can get away with!

In the end after much bickering we have agreed to adopt our own strategies. So Zippy is being miss goody two hooves, standing still for her rugs to be changed and quietly walking up and down the lane - though it was determined that it was too icy to go down today (I pretended to do lots of ice skating and that put Lewis off taking us down the lane - it really wasn't that icy teehee). Zippy even tilts her head to remind Lewis where to undo her halter, I mean, really!

Now beyond my pretend icy skating, I've been perfecting the throw your head around and look wild act, which has included head butting Lewis - but that was by accident, honest, I just got a bit carried away.

I'm also training him that I won't go in the stable unless he has treats with him. The lad learns quickly and I can now guarantee he will have at least a carrot in his hand to 'persuade' me into my room at night - so that trick is working nicely!

I've also managed to snake out of my rug at night time, due to poor fastening of the front strap and trampled it into the floor - I think that back fired as I now have to wear the same filthy, straw covered rug tonight!

Hmmm off to devise more entertaining strategies for tomorrow, now what can I plan.......

1 comment:

  1. Oh I bow down to your training technique. Carrot in hand to go in stable, I can't tell you how impressed I am.
    Training humans is an art. My human is not so trainable although quite motivated by cake.
    How is Lynette today? How many legs does she have today?
